Alai 2016

Preliminary Congress Program
Thursday, September 15, 2016
08.00 – 09.00 Welcome and registration of participants
09.00 – 09.45 Opening Session
Welcome addresses
Frank Gotzen, President ALAI
Stefania Ercolani, President ALAI Italia
Michele Woods, World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Representative of the Italian Government (TBC)
09.45 – 10.15 International Framework of Copyright and Extra-Copyright Protection of Applied Art (Berne Convention, Paris Convention, TRIPS)
General Report Sam Ricketson
10.15 – 10.30 Coffee-break
10.30 – 13.00 Copyright and Design: Regional and National Approaches (Laws and Case Laws)
the Acquis Communautaire – Uma Suthersanen
the French approach: unité de l’art – Agnès Tricoire
the Italian approach: the artistic value – Paolo Spada
the USA approach: the separability test – Jane C. Ginsburg
the Latin American approach – Delia Lipszyc
limits of copyright and design: ideas, functionality, style and fashion – Peter Adamsson, Juan Cordoba
Moderator Igor Gliha
Plenary discussion
13.00 – 14.30 Lunch break
14.30 – 17.00 Other Forms of Protection for Applied Arts ((Un)Registered Design Rights; Patents; Trade Marks; Unfair Competition)
PanelFernando Carbajo, Simon Clark, Mina Kianfar, Marshall Leaffer, Rosaria Romano, Tatsuhiro Ueno
Moderator Gustavo Ghidini
Plenary discussion
Friday September 16, 2016
09.00 – 11.15 Business Strategies and Industry Perspectives
How (Un)Availability of Different Kinds of Protection Affects Marketing Decisions
How (Un)Effective is the Protection in Case of Infringement
Panel Italian Ministry for the Economic Development (TBC), Marcella Panucci, General Director Confindustria, Michael Goldmann, Tony Greenman
ModeratorJan Rosen
Plenary discussion
11.15 – 11.30 Coffee-break
11.30 -12.00 Applied Arts and Technology
General Report Pierre Sirinelli
12.00 – 12.45 Technological Options in the Field of 3D Reproduction
3D modeling and printing (3D scan, photogrammetry, etc.); on-line making available of 3D models and file security (examples of 3D modeling software, like Sculpteo, etc.)
Panel Carla Van Steenbergen (Materialise), Giovanna Talocci (ADI), an artist, an architect (TBC)
12.45 – 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 – 15.30 Legal Analysis: Challenges and Solutions (part 1)
International Framework: Differences among national situations and involved rights (copyright, design and models, trade marks)
Difficulties related to complexities in the value chain and the variety of entities involved (individuals, Fab Lab, platforms, manufacturers of digitization and printing devices and of printing materials)
Moderator Mihaly Ficsor
Panel Maria Letizia Bixio, Stefan Martin, Michael Ritscher, Concha Saiz, Benoit Van Asbroeck
15.30 – 15.45 Coffee-break
15.45 – 17.15 Legal Analysis: Challenges and Solutions (part 2)
Tools available/necessary to cover 3D Technologies. Exclusive rights vs Remuneration rights (private copy levy; reprography; ad hoc mechanism; compatibility with the three step test). Other IP protection systems. Technological protection measures.
Problems related to design patent and to Gebrauchsmuster.
Applicability of a sui generis mechanism of collective management to Development & Innovation (patents)
Panel Alessandro Cogo, Gaetano Dimita, Anikò Grad-Gyenge, Thierry Maillard, Keita Sato
Moderator Mihaly Ficsor
Plenary discussion
17.15 – 17.45 Closing Session
17.45 – 18.45 ALAI General Assembly